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Blockchain in Central Banking according to the World Economic Forum

In a world swiftly moving towards digitization, central banks are not standing still. They are actively exploring the transformative potential of blockchain technology. Imagine a future where financial transactions are faster, more secure, and significantly more efficient. This is not just a fantasy; it's a budding reality in the realm of central banking. Blockchain, with…

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Project Promissa

Welcome to the vibrant realm of finance, where Project Promissa heralds an exhilarating new era. Envision a realm where the intricacies of promissory note management are as breezy and enjoyable as your cherished coffee ritual. This is the essence of Project Promissa, an avant-garde endeavor led by an alliance of financial savants from illustrious entities…

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Project Cedar: A New Frontier in Blockchain and Digital Currencies

Project Cedar: A New Frontier in Blockchain and Digital Currencies Project Cedar, an exciting venture in the dynamic world of blockchain and digital currencies. In May 2023, a talented team at the New York Innovation Center, equipped with advanced technology, began a journey to explore blockchain's potential in the financial sector. More than a tech…

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